Member sign up |
Q: Do I need to be a member to place an order?
A: You need to sign up as our member to place an order.
Q: How to get a new member Promo Code?
A: After signing up, you will receive a welcome email with Promo Code.
**Note: Welcome email may go into Junk Mail
Payment |
Q: Available payment methods at Lam Kie Yuen Tea online shop
A: Online shop accepts payment by PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayMe, FPS, AliPayHK or WeChatPay. All product prices listed are in HK dollars.
Q: How to check/track order status?
A: You will receive an order confirmation email.
Login to your account, go to "My Orders". It shows the Order No, Status and Order date.
**Note: Order confirmation email may go into Junk Mail
Q: Order confirmation email not received?
A: 1.Check the email address
2.Check junk mailbox
** If your email address is correct and junk mailbox does not receive confirmation email who have not paid may order it again. Or contact
Shipping & Fee |
Destination | Shipping Fees | Delivery methods | How long to gets shipped? |
Hong Kong |
| Order dispatch within 5 business days after order confirmation |
Overseas | ** Overseas Shipping fees will be shown upon checkout |
| Order dispatch within 5 business days after order confirmation |
**Note: Delivery service during Covid-19: The actual delivery time could be delayed due to pandemic arrangement, no notice will be given. If you have any questions, please contact |